A book of perspective & geometry, being the ABC, and first degree of all good art The learning of which comprehendeth in it many notable arts, needfull and necessary for every artificer and workman. For as no perspective workman can make any work without architecture, so neither can the architecture without perspective. Which perspective is inspection or looking into by shortning of the sight, making it to shew further then in effect it is. ... And seing [sic] perspective art is nothing without geometry, they are both bound together, that the workman may be able to aide and help himselfe therewith. And forasmuch as the hand cannot effect the understanding of the mind, I shall not please thereby such as are curious, yet at least I shall help yong beginners that know little or nothing thereof. This second book of architecture made by Sebastian Serly, entreating of perspective, touching the superficies, translated out of Itallian into Dutch, and out of Dutch into English, ...


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