Intermittency acceleration of water droplet population dynamics inside the interfacial layer between cloudy and clear air environments


We use direct numerical simulation to study the temporal evolution of a perturbation localized on the turbulent layer that typically separates a cloud from the surrounding clear air. Across this shearless layer, a turbulent kinetic energy gradient naturally forms. Here, a finite perturbation in the form of a local initial temperature fluctuation is applied to simulate a hydrodynamic instability inside the background turbulent air flow. A numerical initial value problem for two diametrically opposite types of drop population distributions is then solved. Specifically, we consider a mono-disperse population of droplets of 15 μ\mum of radius and a poly-disperse distribution with radii in the range 0.6 - 30 μ\mum. For both distributions, it is observed that the evaporation and condensation have a dramatically different weight inside the homogeneous cloudy region and the interfacial anisotropic mixing region. It is observed that the dynamics of drop collisions is highly effected by the turbulence structure of the host region. The two populations show a common aspect during their energy decay transient. That is the increased probability of collisions in the interfacial layer hat houses intense anisotropic velocity fluctuations. This layer, in fact, induces an enhanced differentiation on droplets kinetic energy and sizes. Both polydisperse and monodisperse initial particle distributions contain 10710^7 droplets, matching an initial liquid water content of 0.8g/m30.8 g/m^3. An estimate of the turbulent collision kernel for geometric collisions used in the population balance equations is given. A preliminary discussion is presented on the structure of the two unsteady non ergodic collision kernels obtained inside the cloud interface region.Comment: Turbulent shearless layer, Cloud-clear air interaction, Inertial particles, Water droplets, DNS, Gravity effects, Collision kerne

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