Optimization of Steeping and Germination Procedure of Hulless Barley


Cilj rada bio je ustanoviti optimalnu shemu za namakanje i klijanje zrna kod koje se dobivaju najpovoljnije vrijednosti utjecaja navedenih procesnih faktora na uspješnost citolitičke razgradnje golozrnog ječma. Provedena su tri različita postupaka namakanja i klijanja zrna (s obzirom na duljinu trajanja, temperaturu i aeraciju u pojedinim fazama procesa) radi procjene uspješnosti pojedinog postupka s obzirom na postavljeni cilj. Određena je moć bubrenja pojedine sorte (Osvit i Mandatar), te su analizirani gotovi sladovi. Ustanovljeno je da temperatura namakanja značajno utječe na moć bubrenja golozrnog ječma tako da povećava moć bubrenja i ubrzava dosezanje maksimuma povećanja udjela vode u zrnu. Porastom temperature namakanja dolazi do porasta udjela ekstrakta, razlike ekstrakta i pH kongresne sladovine. Viskoznost sladovine najprije pada s porastom temperature namakanja, a potom s njezinim daljnjim porastom raste do neprihvatljivih vrijednosti uslijed početka djelovanja β-glukanaznog kompleksa i otapanja škroba. Najbolje rezultate za pokazatelje uspješnosti citolitičke razgradnje zrna dao je Postupak slađenja 1. Sorta Osvit daje sladove boljih svojstava u odnosu na sortu Mandatar po sva tri postupka slađenja.The aim of this research was to determine the optimal soaking and germination of grains scheme in which the most favourable values of the influence of cited process factors on the success of cytolytic degradation of the grain were obtained. To evaluate the success of each process to meet the set goal, three different soaking and germination procedures have been conducted (considering the length of time, temperature and aeration at different stages of the procedure). The swelling capacity of each variety (Osvit and Mandatar) was determined and finished malts were analysed. It has been established that soaking temperature has significant impact to the swelling power of bare barley by increasing swelling power and speeds up the maximum of increasing the water content of the grain. Increasing the soaking temperature leads to an increase in the content of the extract, extract differences and the pH value of the congress mash. With increasing soaking temperature the viscosity of the mash decreases and as it continues to grow, it grows to unacceptable values what is resulted by initial action of the β-glucanase complex and starch dissolution. The best results for the indicators of the success of cytolytic degradation was given by malting procedure 1. The Osvit variety gives malts better properties than the Mandatar variety by all three malting procedures

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