University of Zagreb. Faculty of Forestry. Department of Production Organisation.
Mnogi potrošači svoj dom i namještaj vide kao produžetak sebe. Uz to, danas namještaj, čak i ako funkcionalno nije potreban, predstavlja statusni simbol i najčešće se smatra stalnom investicijom. Donošenje odluke o kupovini vrlo često se temelji na osobnim potrebama, željama, vrijednostima i iskustvima. U ovom radu će se istražiti kako kupci donose odluku o kupnji namještaja i proizvoda od drva za unutarnje opremanje te koje značajke proizvoda utječu na njihov izbor.Many consumers see their home and furniture as an extension of themselves. Besides that, today the furniture, even if it does not have a specific function, serves as a status symbol and is considered as a permanent investment. The decision on a purchase is often based on personal needs, wishes, values and experiences. This paper will examine how the buyers make the decision to purchase furniture and wooden products for interior furbishing and which characteristics of the product have an effect on their choice