FAME profiles in Pseudomonas vesicularis during catechol and phenol degradation in the presence of glucose as an additional carbon source


The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of catechol and phenol added to culture media separately and with glucose as an additional, easily-degradable carbon source on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) composition in Pseudomonas vesicularis. Simultaneously, the degradation rates of aromatic substrates used were investigated in single and binary substrate systems. Both catechol and phenol treatments caused changes in the distribution of tested groups of fatty acids. The most noticeable changes included an increase in degree of fatty acid saturation, the appearance of branched and disappearance of hydroxy fatty acids as compared to the control sample with glucose. Under catechol or phenol treatment sat/unsat ratio showed the values of 8.63 and 11.38, respectively, whereas in contr ol cells it reached the value of 2.66. The high level of saturation comes from the high content of cyclopropane fatty acids in bacteria under exposure to aromatic substrates, regardless of the presence of glucose. In these treatments their content was more than 3-fold higher compared to the control. It has been demonstrated that glucose supplementation of culture media containing single aromatic substrate extended the degradation rates of catechol and phenol by P. vesicularis, caused an increase in number of cells but did not significantly change the fatty acid profiles in comparison with bacteria growing on catechol and phenol added to the media individually

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