Tauragnų apylinkių gyventojų pavardės


This article analyses and compares surnames of residents of the Tauragnai area based on census data for Tauragnai for 1731 and 1792, County data for 1923 and Local Government Area data for 2000. Also used are lists of residents from 1554 and 1636 from the Linkmenai area, part of which now belongs to the Tauragnai Local Government Area. A comparison of the names shown on all these lists and in the LPŽ enables us to identify typical Tauragnai area surnames. As far back as 1554 there were people in the area with the surnames Bajarūnas, Budreika, Kirdeikis, Motiejūnas, Pošiūnas, Šapoka, Vaitiekėnas, Žadaika and others. In terms of origin, about half (130) of the 268 identified typical Tauragnai area surnames are of appellative origin; almost one third (84) are derived from Christian names, and a minority (17) are old Baltic names of the two-root type. More than half of the typical Tauragnai area surnames (153) have been shaped by Lithuanian linguistic resources. From a derivational (word structure) point of view, the most common are surnames without patronymic suffixes (152). Of those names that do have suffixes, one seventh (37) are Lithuanian patronymic suffixes (most frequently –ėnas and –ūnas). Almost one quarter of the surnames with suffixes (60) have non-Lithuanian patronymic suffixes (mostly –auskas). Nineteen non-Lithuanian surnames were on the list. The most frequent contemporary Tauragnai area surnames are Musteikis (50 families), Šinkūnas (49) (another 8 families have the very similar surname Šimkūnas), Grašys (42), Šuminas (31), Stundžia (30), Vaišnoras (27), Jackūnas (25) and Kučinskas (22). The most popular men’s forenames in 2000 were Jonas (84) and Antanas (57); and for women Ona (65) and Veronika (61)

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