
The Lx-T Relation and Intracluster Gas Fractions of X-ray Clusters


We re-examine the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation using a nearly homogeneous data set of 24 clusters selected for statistically accurate temperature measurements and absence of strong cooling flows. The data exhibit a remarkably tight power-law relation between bolometric luminosity and temperature with a slope 2.88 \pm 0.15. With reasonable assumptions regarding cluster structure, we infer an upper limit on fractional variations in the intracluster gas fraction <(\delta\fgas/\fgas)^2)^1/2 \le 15%. Imaging data from the literature are employed to determine absolute values of fgas within spheres encompassing density contrast 500 and 200 with respect to the critical density. Comparing binding mass estimates based on the virial theorem (VT) and the hydrostatic, betamodel (BM), we find a temperature-dependent discrepancy in fgas between the two methods caused by sytematic variation of the outer slope parameter beta with temperature. There is evidence that cool clusters have a lower mean gas fraction that hot clusters, but it is not possible to assess the statistical significance of this effect in the present dataset. The temperature dependance of the ICM density structure, coupled with the increase of the gas fraction with T in the VT aproach, explains the steepening of the Lx-T relation. The small variation about the mean gas fraction within this majority sub-population of clusters presents an important constraint for theories of galaxy formation and supports arguments against an Einstein-deSitter universe based on the population mean gas fraction and primordial nucleosynthesis. The apparent trend of lower gas fractions and more extended atmospheres in low T systems are consistent with expectations of models incorporating the effects of galactic winds on the ICM. ABRIDGEDComment: 11 pages, 4 figures, uses mn.sty and epsf.sty, accepted for publication in MNRAS; minor modifications: discussion added on CF LX (Sec. 3.1);comparison with Allen & Fabian L-T results (Sec.3.1 & Sec.4.4); statistics precised (3.1), discussion clarified (Sec. 2.2,Sec. 4.4); slight mistake in the r-T and M-T relation calibration corrected and thus fgas in Fig.3, Fig 4, Tab 2 slightly change

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