Dataset for "Antagonistic Mixing in Micelles of Amphiphilic Polyoxometalates and Hexaethylene Glycol Monododecyl Ether"


The dataset contains ASCII files for the following: - Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) curves and fits for mixtures (mole ratios: 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3) containing polyoxometalate-headed surfactant(P2W17-2Cn, n= 12, 14, 16 and 18) and hydrogenated hexaethylene glycol monododecyl ether (C12EO6) as a function of surfactant total concentrations. Solutions are prepared in two different solvents: deuterium dioxide, 7:3 deuterium dioxide and H2O mixture. - SANS curves and fits for mixtures containing P2W17-2Cn surfactant (n = 12 and 14) and tail-deuterated C12EO6 (mole ratios: 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3) as a function of surfactant total concentrations. Solutions are prepared in deuterium dioxide. The dataset also contains Igor files for the following: - The plot of determination of critical micelle concentrations (CMC) of the mixed P2W17-2Cn/C12EO6 H2O system through surface tension measurements and conductivity measurements.SANS experiments were performed on the LOQ and LARMOR instruments in Target Station I and II, respectively at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Spallation Source, Oxfordshire, UK. The samples were measured in 1 cm wide, 1 mm path-length optical quartz cells at 25 degree C, using a thermostat-controlled circulating bath. Samples were measured for 40 μA (D2O) and 80 μA (70 mol% D2O) of neutron current on the LOQ instrument. For experiments on LARMOR, mixtures containing P2W17-2Cn with d-C12EO6 in D2O were measured for 20 μA. The raw data were corrected for sample transmission and backgrounds from the solvent, the sample cell and other instrumental background using standard workflows in the Mantid software package. Scattering data were normalised against the scattering from a partially-deuterated polystyrene blend of known molecular weight, converting it to the differential scattering cross section d/d(q) (in an absolute scale of cm-1). The output data are hence given in absolute scattered intensity, I(q) in cm-1, versus the momentum transfer, q in Å-1. The CMC of the C12EO6 in water was measured using a Du Noüy Ring (Attension Sigma 701 Tensiometer). The CMCs of the binary systems were measured by either conductivity using a METTLER TOLEDO conductivity meter or by a pendant-drop method using a Kruss DSA100 at Diamond Light Source. For P2W17-2Cn-rich mixtures, electrical conductivity measurements give CMC values with more accuracy, whereas surface tension measurements provide more accurate results for the C12EO6-rich mixtures

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