The Marseille Schmidt survey for active star-forming galaxies. I. Data on 92 emission line objects in two fields


We present data from a moderately deep spectroscopic Schmidt survey (Blim=17.5) of ``active galaxies'' selected by the presence of emission lines in their spectra and/or their UV excess. The redshift, magnitudes, color and diameter reduction methods have been discussed in a previous paper. Here we explain the emission line equivalent width determination method. 92 emission line objects have been found in two adjacent fields (approximately 50deg^2) in the direction of the south extension of the Virgo cluster. We give a catalog containing positions, photographic R and B magnitudes, U-R colors, effective diameters, redshifts, equivalent widths and intensity ratios of the [OIII]4959,5007, Hbeta and [OII] 3727 emission lines. On these fields, we evaluate the completeness limit of the survey at a pseudo B magnitude value of 15.7

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