
Microlensing Halo Models with Abundant Brown Dwarfs


All previous attempts to understand the microlensing results towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have assumed homogeneous present day mass functions (PDMFs) for the lensing populations. Here, we present an investigation into the microlensing characteristics of haloes with spatially varying PDMFs and anisotropic velocity dispersion tensors. One attractive possibility -- suggested by baryonic dark cluster formation in pregalactic and protogalactic cooling flows -- is that the inner halo is dominated by stellar mass objects, whereas low mass brown dwarfs become more prevalent on moving outwards. The contribution to the microlensing rate must be dominated by dark remnants (of about 0.5 solar masses) to recover the observed timescales of the microlensing experiments. But, even though stellar remnants control the rate, they do not dominate the mass of the baryonic halo, and so the well-known enrichment and mass budget problems are much less severe. Using a simple ansatz for the spatial variation of the PDMF, models are constructed in which the contribution of brown dwarfs to the mass of the baryonic halo is 55 % and to the total halo is 30 %. An unusual property of the models is that they predict that the average timescale of events towards M31 is shorter than the average timescale towards the LMC. This is because the longer line of sight towards M31 probes more of the far halo where brown dwarfs are the most common constituent.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, in press at The Astrophysical Journal (Letters

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