Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengekajian Daerah (TEKAD) Kalimantan Tengah
Efforts to find the meaning behind o text is like maqasid sharia, basically already started since the days of the familiar term madhhab of lmam al-'ibarah dilalah, dilalah al-'isyarah. dilalah ad-dilalah and dilalah iqtidha among al-Hanafi is for Syafi 'iyyah the term al-manthuq and al-understand. This finding is on indication that the study maslahah in the history of lslamic law has been started since the advent of the Imam schools' This study began to focus on the lmam Haramain is then more specifically by his student al-Ghazali. In this period maqasid Shariah is not a priority for scholars in the debate was more focused on the sources of low between the agreed and disputed. Interruption over o period of years until the emergence +200 ash-Syathibi re-formulating the language and topics ore more systematic in his book ol-Muwofaqat fi Usul ash-Sharia lslamic maqasid concept. But the maturity of this theory in the lslamic period hos experienced o period of decline