Merging of transport theory with TDHF: multinucleon transfer in U+U collisions


Multinucleon transfer mechanism in the collision of 238U+238U{}^{238}\text{U}+{}^{238}\text{U} system is investigated at Ec.m.=833E_\text{c.m.} =833 MeV in the framework of the quantal diffusion description based on the stochastic mean-field approach (SMF). Double cross-sections σ(N,Z)\sigma(N,Z) as a function of the neutron and proton numbers, the cross-sections σ(Z)\sigma(Z) and σ(A)\sigma(A) as a function of the atomic numbers and the mass numbers are calculated for production of the primary fragments. The calculation indicates the 238U+238U{}^{238} \text{U}+{}^{238} \text{U} system may be located at an unstable equilibrium state at the potential energy surface with a slightly negative curvature along the beta stability line on the (N,Z)−(N,Z)-plane. This behavior may lead to rather large diffusion along the beta stability direction.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0961

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