Indirektno dokazivanje prisustva virusnog arteritisa konja (EAV) kod pastuva u jednom zapatu


The cause of this infective disease, which is spread all over the world, is a RNK virus from the family of Arterivirdae. Most often the illness has a sub clinical form, or sometimes with the increase of body temperature, limbs edema, conjunctivitis, disorders of respiratory and digestive system and also abortion in mares are possible. In stallions, after acute infection, the virus can often settle in accessories genital glands and it can stay there for life time of the stallion and practically during each and every mateing the virus can be transmitted to the mare. It has been proved that the stallions are latent transmitters and they have a central role in spreading of this disease in the countries with developed horse breeding. In this paper the clinical signs are described, epizootiology and the results of virology analysis to the presence of antibodies against EVA in 14 stallion blood samples from one herd. The results were analyzed in relation to the race, age and origin of each stallion, with relation to the importation. Detection of EVA antibodies with "Bucyris" referent strain was done by micro serum neutralization test on RK 13 cell culture. From 14 examined serum samples, in 3 (21,42%) the antibody titer was greater then 1:4 which is internationally acknowledged as positive titer. The suggestions for measures in control and suppression of Equine Viral Arteritis in our country, which are in proportion with the EU regulations, are also mentioned.Uzročnik ove zarazne bolesti, raširene po celom svetu, je RNK virus iz familije:Arterivirdae. Bolest najčešće prolazi subklinički, ili sa povišenom telesnom temperaturom, edemima na ekstremitetima, konjunktivitisom poremežajima respiratornog i digestivnog trakta, a mogući su i abortusi kobila. Kod pastuva virus maze nakon akutne infekcije, često i doživotno da se nastani u akcesornim polnim žlezdama, i praktično pri svakom pripustu da se prenosi na kobile. Odnosno, dokazano je da su pastuvi latentni prenosioci i da imaju centralnu ulogu u širenju ove bolesti u zemljama sa razvijenim konjarstvom. U radu je opisana klinička slika, epizootiologija i rezultati virusološkog ispitivanja krvnih senima 13 pastuva jednog zapata na prisustvo antitela protiv EAV. Analizirani su podaci u odnosu na rasu, starost i poreklo grla, odnosno eventualni uvoz. Detekcija antitela na EAV prema referentnom soju "Bucyris" vršena je testom mikroserum neutralizacije na RK13 kul turi ćelija. Od 13 ispitivanih uzoraka seruma, kod 3 (23,07%) utvrđen je titar antitela veći od 1:4 koji je i međunarodno priznat kao pozitivan. Takođe, predložene su i mere za kontrolu i suzbijanje EAV u našoj zemlji, u skladu sa propisima u EU

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