
Test pit excavation within currently occupied rural settlements: results of the HEFA CORS project 2010


This paper reports on the sixth year of the University of Cambridge Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) project run by Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA). As in previous years, this combines education and university outreach (particularly within the secondary school sector) with the archaeological investigation of currently occupied rural settlements (CORS). The main method used for this is the excavation of 1- metre square test pits in open spaces within existing rural villages and hamlets. Accounts of the results of the HEFA CORS excavations are published annually in Medieval Settlement Research (Lewis 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), and can also be viewed on the ACA website ( under ‘excavation reports’. The website also includes the pottery reports from each site, and distribution maps showing the distribution of pottery period by period from the prehistoric to the modern era for every site where test pits excavations have been carried out by ACA since 2005

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