
Archaeological test pit excavations at Meldreth, Cambridgeshire


This report presents the results of a programme of archaeological excavation of 32 1m2 ‘test pits’ in the Cambridgeshire village of Meldreth carried out in summer 2013. The programme was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) through its ‘All Our Stories’ programme and supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Connected Communities theme which funded the Cambridge Community Heritage programme at the University of Cambridge in 20012-13. Over three weekends, more than 300 residents of the village of Meldreth and the local area took part in the excavations in 32 different locations throughout the present village. The results provided new evidence for the development of the area now occupied by the village, which mostly lies alongside a small stream, from the prehistoric period onwards. Parts of the area appears to have been quite intensively used by humans in the prehistoric period, with unusually large volumes of Bronze Age pottery recovered from at least four different sites likely to be indicative of settlement and/or burial. Pottery of Roman date favours the south of the present village, and suggests settlement took the form of a dispersed scatter of small settlements such as farmsteads surrounded by arable fields to the north. No evidence was found for any activity dating to the period between the 5th –9th centuries AD, but Saxo-Norman pottery was found widely, with particular concentrations on the manorial site of Topcliffe as well as in the south of the village around Flambards moated site. The absence of any Thetford ware from Meldreth suggests that this activity is likely to be post-Conquest in date and that the medieval settlement originates in this period rather than earlier. The high medieval period sees the settlement extend westwards, probably laid out in the 12th or 13th century over former arable, with apparently new settlement sites founded at Chiswick and North End. This growth ceases in the late medieval period, although Meldreth does not appear to be as badly affected in this period of widespread demographic and settlement contraction as many settlements in the eastern region. In the post-medieval period, however, the test pit data indicates that Meldreth stagnated, with the southern end of the settlement particularly badly affected

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