
Giroscope Housing Organisation: a study of tenant satisfaction


Giroscope is an award winning community based housing organisation in West Hull that buys and renovates empty properties to provide rental accommodation for people in housing need. Giroscope was conceived by a group of students and unemployed people in 1985 in response to the problem of homelessness in Hull and established as a limited company and workers co-operative in 1986. Initially set up to provide accommodation for its founders only, Giroscope has since expanded and now lets 30 properties. It remained a workers’ co-operative until January 2007 when it was converted to a registered charity. With a view to reviewing and improving the quality of their service Giroscope approached us in January 2007 and invited us to carry out an independent tenants’ satisfaction survey. We were commissioned to undertake a comprehensive study of tenant satisfaction, with particular emphasis on the quality of the repairs and maintenance service, as this is an area in which Giroscope have recently been trying to make improvements

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