Damage to Alexandrlum tamarense DNA Caused by Hydroxyl Radicals


利用羟基自由基(·OH)压载水处理系统,采用大气压强电场放电技术制取·OH溶液对塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrlum tamarense)进行处理。通过普通光学显微镜,荧光显微镜和电子显微镜对·OH处理前后的塔玛亚历山大藻的细胞结构进行观测。结果表明,·OH能有效破坏藻细胞,从而造成藻类死亡。利用随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplification polymorphic DNA,RAPD)和实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)相结合的技术检测·OH对DNA链的破坏作用。共得到了3条有显著差异的扩增产物。这3条扩增产物经测序,并通过NCBI(national center of biotechnology information)的比对分析,最终得到1条可用RT-PCR检测·OH对DNA破坏作用的基因序列。以上的结果表明,·OH压载水处理系统能有效去除塔玛亚历山大藻,并对其DNA造成破坏。This paper referred to a ballast water treatment system by using hydroxyl radical(·OH),in which the atmospheric pressure electric discharge technology was applied to produce hydroxyl radicals to treat Alexandrlum tamarense.The morphology of A.tamarense before and after being treated by ·OH was observed by ordinary optical microscope,fluorescence microscope and electron microscope,respectively.The findings presented that ·OH effectively did damage to the algal cells and led to algae perishing and the damage of ·OH to DNA strand was detected by using combination of random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)and RT-PCR technology.In addition,three DNA bands with differences were found and sequenced;then sequence alignment was performed in the website of National Center of Biotechnology Information(NCBI).Finally,a gene sequence was found for RT-PCR analysis that further proved the damage to DNA strand.In conclusion,the ballast water treatment system of ·OH was capable to removes A.tamarense in water effectively,causing damages of the DNA strand.中国杰出青年学者基金(NSFC)(61025001);; 中国国家科技支撑项目(2013BAC06B00);; 海洋科学研究公共利益的专项基

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