The Construction of AML-1/ETO-expressing Plasmid


t(8;21)染色体易位是导致急性髓系白血病的最常见的发病机制,AML1 ETO是t(8;21)易位所产生的融合基因.为了研究在细胞中能与AML1 ETO相互作用的蛋白质,利用PCR、酶切、连接、转化、提质粒等分子生物学技术.首先将该基因构建于质粒中,然后转染大肠杆菌,并在大肠杆菌中得到扩增,为进一步深入研究打下基础.本次实验所构建的质粒经测序表明,AML1 ETO融合基因以正确的阅读框重组转染入载体,并在大肠杆菌中得到扩增.The AML1ETO fusion proteins generated by chromosome translocation of t (8; 21) lead frequently to pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In order to study the mechanisms of the fusion protein which cause leukemia and identification of its interacting proteins, we firstly clone fusion gene of AML1ETO, then construct expression vector and transfected it. These would provide basis for further study of mechanisms of AML1ETO

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