On the Official Career of the Poets in the Han Dynasty


两汉赋家多入朝为官,其入仕途径以察举、辟除、征召等方式为主,入仕初期多任郎官。不少汉赋家跻身汉代高级官吏行列,然文学特长并非其主要凭借,这与汉代选官制度的价值取向有关。汉赋家的入仕途径在汉代不同时期有所变化,由汉赋家的入仕可见汉代察举制度的发展变迁,亦可见中央皇权的盛衰变迁。The official career of the poets in the Han Dynasty mostly differed from that of the ordinary officials. They usually started their official career by way of being recruited by the emperor himself or by other officials, or being recommended by other individuals or submitting memorials to the emperor themselves. In the officialdom most of them were engaged in editing or commenting on literary works, composing poems at the emperor's order, or acted as counselors on cultural events. Their official career was more or less decided by their identity as poets, while their poetry was influenced by their official career. The two of them supplemented each other

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