Research on Orientating the Role of ASEAN in Regional Economic Cooperation in East Asia


冷战结束后,东亚区域经济合作在机制建设和具体经济成果方面成绩显著,其中的一个重要特征就是:小国主导,大国积极参与。无论是在东盟地区论坛、东亚峰会、还是在“10+1”、“10+3”发展机制中,东盟都发挥了主导作用。这是因为东盟针对东亚的战略格局而采取灵活的平衡大国战略;中日对东盟的“身份界定”基本一致;东盟倡导的合作机制为东盟的角色提供了制度保障。东亚区域经济合作中东盟的主导角色符合东亚地区独特的环境,并将呈现出较强的生命力,“小国领导大国”的奇特局面,在可预见的将来还会继续。Regional economic cooperation in East Asia has made great progress both in institutional construction and concrete economic harvest after the cold war,in which ASEAN has been playing the leading role.The important character of regional economic cooperation in East Asia is: small countries lead the great countries.ASEAN has been playing the leading role in ARF、East Asia Summit、ASEAN plus one Summit、ASEAN plus three Summit and so on.The causes exist as follows:ASEAN adopts a flexible "balancing-great countries" strategy facing the East Asia regional strategic structure;both Japan and China take the basic attitude toward the "identity definition" of ASEAN;the cooperative mechanism led by ASEAN facilitates ASEAN with the institutional safeguard.The leading role of ASEAN in regional economic cooperation in East Asia accords with the realistic circumstances,so the role of ASEAN will show great strong vitality,and the peculiar model will continue in the foreseeable future

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