Piani di Mitigazione e di Adattamento congiunti per affrontare il cambiamento climatico sulla costa adriatica. Il progetto Joint_SECAP


Climate change adaptation is currently a "hot topic" on the global scene. In 2013, the European Commission adopted an EU adaptation strategy that sets out the framework for strengthening Europe resilience to the impacts of climate change and in 2014 Mayors Adapt - the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative on Climate Change Adaptation, engaged cities in taking action to adapt to climate change. Nevertheless, this initiative is still at its dawn; most SEAPs only address the urban / municipal level, thus lacking the necessary territorial synergies that can make mitigation and adaptation policies and actions really effective. Some common factors have influenced the lack of effectiveness in the implementation of SEAPs and SECAPs. Energy plans are often too generic, sectoral and not well integrated into each city specific features, based on incomplete data and not always coordinated to other existing local policies and plans. Then there is a general lack of public awareness and qualified human resources and the same for funding opportunities. Another common obstacle is recognised in the incomplete, unshared, scattered information regarding energy efficiency and adaptation actions. There is the urgent need to take into account the specific territorial contexts (as for the Mediterranean and Adriatic regions), and, especially for adaptation measures, to define new opportunities to integrate common territorial challenges into Joint Actions and financial strategies. These common challenges are the ones the Joint-Secap project (Interreg Itally-Croatia) seeks to tackle by offering support to local authorities (specifically those in coastal areas with major vulnerabilities) in order to facilitate the implementation of specific adaptation measures (information, planning and monitoring). This Project reflects the necessity to operate at a wider district level (the Italian and Croation Adriatic Coast) to better define strategies and actions for climate change adaptation, for those weather and climate changes and hydrogeological risks affecting coastal areas.It is structured into two main phases; the first phase is developed to the common methodology for Joint Actions definition and implementation and to share the basic knowledge of climate change adaptation strategies and energy efficiency measures. The second phase regards the design of a web platform to share information, to support planning activities and even to monitor results and ongoing actions

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