Thermo-mechanical coupling in fiber-reinforced continua: mixed finite element formulations and energy-momentum time integration


Our research activity is motivated by accurate dynamic simulations of fiber- reinforced materials in light-weight structures. In order to accomplish this, we have to take various steps. The material behavior is formulated with an anisotropic, polyconvex strain energy function. We combine different mixed element formulations (e.g. see Ref- erence [2] or [3]) with a Galerkin time integrator as shown in Reference [5]. This reduces the volumetric locking effect of an incompressible matrix material as well as the locking effect due to stiff fibers. In addition, we increase the accuracy by using Galerkin-based higher-order time integrators. Since in long-term simulations a hugh energy error is a strong problem, we apply the mixed finite element formulations to an energy-momentum time integration scheme (see Reference [6]). In the next step, we extend the material formulation by adding a thermo-mechanical coupling as shown in Reference [7]. Here we also describe the directional heat conduction of the fiber. As numerical examples with multiple material domains and families of fibers serve cooks cantilever beam as in Ref- erence [5]. The Dirichlet boundary conditions are modelled by the Lagrange-multiplier method (see Reference [7]) and as Neumann boundary condition a pressure distribution is used

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