

The purpose of this research was to focus on how Japanese EFL learners develop autonomy in language learning. Forty-four female students in their junior year of college,- participated in the practice teaching (teaching practicum) programme at a local junior/senior high school. The student- teacher participants were offered two phases of pronunciation training, and each practice session was 30 mim, conducted daily for 10 days. Each- phase lasted 15 days. Practice materials were chosen from the ATR CALL BRIX 4. 0 application (©2013 ATR Learning Technology Corporation). For the first phase of training, participants were instructed to concentrate on single English word pronunciation, and for the second, on full sentence pronunciation. Participants were also required to write comments after each practice session,- and to respond to questionnaires about the training, at the end of each phase. The results of the questionnaires showed that more than 70% of the participants positively evaluated their participation in the training.,- They also felt that the training improved their pronunciation skills. Moreover, about 80% became aware of personal pronunciation weaknesses,- through the training. Although about 70% of the participants felt that their autonomous learning skills had improved, 65% did not believe that they had gained any substantial confidence in pronunciation ability. In this study, the authors conclude that,- in order to promote the successful development of autonomous language learning, teachers need to prepare an environment where learners are able to,-: 1) choose personally useful and important tasks, -; 2) recognise and appreciate the significance of their decisions:, - 3) feel supported and encouraged by their teachers/evaluators,- regarding what they have achieved in their learning.論

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