Developing a model of upland swamp structure, function and evolution for biodiversity conservation and rehabilitation: The case of threatened Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone (THPSS)


Temperate highland peat swamps on sandstone (THPSS) (called upland swamps) are a form of topogenous mire which occur on the plateau areas of eastern Australia. These systems are well recognised for their ecological value, under several State and Federal policies. However, our understanding of their structure, function and evolution remains limited. This study examines the sedimentology, age structure, hydrological function and stygofauna diversity of 19 valley-bottom swamps in the Blue Mountains and Southern Highlands of NSW to produce a regional model of THPSS geo-ecological function. This regional model provides a template for environmental health assessment and rehabilitation of these systems, and to inform State and Federal policy making on the conservation status of these systems. © 2014 University of Melbourn

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