The migration of the senegalese "Modou Modou" in Argentina


Los senegaleses son el grupo migratorio más numeroso de entre los migrantes africanos subsaharianos que comenzaron a llegar a Argentina desde mediados de la década de los 90. Es una migración heterogénea, diversa en términos étnicos, religiosos y de proyectos migratorios. Este trabajo pretende ser un aporte al análisis de esa migración, centrándonos en los migrantes/circulantes llamados modou-modou: varones senegaleses de origen wolof y pertenencia religiosa mouride dedicados a actividades vinculadas con el comercio, fundamentalmente la venta ambulante.During most of the second half of the twentieth century, the arrival of Sub-Saharan Africans was practically unnoticed, being just since the 1990s and at the beginning of 2000 when we began to detect an increase in the volume of this flow. The Senegalese are the most numerous group among these Sub-Saharan migrants, who arrive and live in the country irregularly. We can point out a network, from religious origin, formed mostly by migrant/circulant men belonging to the Islamic Mouride brotherhood and from Wolof origin. Their principal working activity is trinket hawking and they are known as modou-modou. In this article, we will focus our analysis on the latter.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

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