Influence of climatic variables on wireless: case study Base-Station Receiver


The development of this research is done with the aim of finding the relationship betweenweather conditions and the loss of wireless connection. The data were obtained by ameteorological center of the area and a telecommunications company that operates in the sameplace. We studied different models based on fuzzy logic due to the easy interpretation the easyinterpretation of the rules and data management. We used the Weka application that providestools for pre-processing of data and Keel software tool for data classification. Nine classifiersbased on fuzzy rules were applied, where the Furia-C was that better results obtained in orderto quality and quantity of rules. In this scenario, a preprocessing of data were computed, wheresome techniques to improve the information was performed. Some of the obtained rulerscorroborate the influence of heavy rain over the loss of the signal, but other relationships thatincorporate new knowledge in the area, such as dew point and the average relative humidityappear

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