Impacts of covid-19 on international trade : evidence from the first quarter of 2020


The aim of this study is to present early evidence for the impacts of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) on international trade. Accordingly, we investigate trade among 186 countries in the firstquarter of 2020. The disease burden of COVID-19 is measured in terms of the number of cases anddeaths. Our findings can be summarized as follows. First, the COVID-19 burden in exportingcountries, but in not importing countries, has a significantly negative effect on trade. Second, thisnegative impact of exporters’ COVID-19 burden is seen in exports from developing countries but notfrom developed countries. Third, the COVID-19 burden in an exporter’s neighboring countries has apositive effect on its exports. Fourth, importers’ COVID-19 burden has positive effects on trade in theagricultural industry, whereas exporters’ COVID-19 burden has negative effects, particularly in thetextile, footwear, and plastic industries

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