Vessel Delineation in Retinal Images using Leung-Malik filters and Two Levels Hierarchical Learning.


Blood vessel segmentation is important for the analysis of ocular fundus images for diseases affecting vessel caliber, occlusion, leakage, inflammation, and proliferation. We introduce a novel supervised method to evaluate performance of Leung-Malik filters in delineating vessels. First, feature vectors are extracted for every pixel with respect to the response of Leung-Malik filters on green channel retinal images in different orientations and scales. A two level hierarchical learning framework is proposed to segment vessels in retinal images with confounding disease abnormalities. In the first level, three expert classifiers are trained to delineate 1) vessels, 2) background, and 3) retinal pathologies including abnormal pathologies such as lesions and anatomical structures such as optic disc. In the second level, a new classifier is trained to detect vessels and non-vessel pixels based on results of the expert classifiers. Qualitative evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed expert classifiers in modeling retinal pathologies. Quantitative results on two standard datasets STARE (AUC = 0.971, Acc=0.927) and DRIVE (AUC = 0.955, Acc =0.903) are comparable with other state-of-the-art vessel segmentation methods

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