GMO Technology. Venezuelans' Consumers Perceptions: Situation in Caracas


The main benefits generated by the genetically modified organisms (GMO`s) include greater yields harvested, foods with greater content of nutrients, vaccines, resistant plants to virus or plagues and resistant plant to high levels of salts in ground. However, there is a controversial discussion regarding its acceptation and welcoming and is missing information in regard the topic especially in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of knowledge or acceptance towards GMO’s and biotechnology by consumer from Caracas, Venezuela. The researchers will use a survey that was previously applied to consumers from USA, Japan and some other South American countries. The results of the study demonstrated that Venezuelan’ consumers are misinformed about this topic; however, they are more informed about microbial contamination and pesticides than other topics.El principal beneficio generado por los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM) incluyen el aumento del rendimiento de las cosechas, alimentos con mayor contenido nutricional, vacunas, plantas resistentes a virus o plagas y a altos niveles de sales en los suelos. Sin embargo, existe una discusión controversial en relación a su aceptación y a la carencia de información con respecto al tema particular de los países en desarrollo. El propósito del siguiente estudio es de medir el nivel de conocimiento y aceptación de los OGM y la biotecnología por parte de los consumidores en Caracas, Venezuela. Los investigadores emplearon un sondeo aplicado previamente a consumidores de Estados Unidos, Japón y algunos países Sudamericanos. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que los consumidores Venezolanos están pobremente informados acerca de éste tema; sin embargo están mayormente informados acerca de la contaminación microbiana y pesticidas por sobre el resto de los tópicos.The main benefits generated by the genetically modified organisms (GMO`s) include greater yields harvested, foods with greater content of nutrients, vaccines, resistant plants to virus or plagues and resistant plant to high levels of salts in ground. However, there is a controversial discussion regarding its acceptation and welcoming and is missing information in regard the topic especially in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of knowledge or acceptance towards GMO’s and biotechnology by consumer from Caracas, Venezuela. The researchers will use a survey that was previously applied to consumers from USA, Japan and some other South American countries. The results of the study demonstrated that Venezuelan’ consumers are misinformed about this topic; however, they are more informed about microbial contamination and pesticides than other topics

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