Integrated SEED data archive for temporary seismic experiments


One of the most valuable results achieved during the work on S5 project is the implementation of a new temporary network data management that allows the integration in the National Data Center together with all other seismological data produced by INGV. This makes all data gathered during temporary experiments immediately available from the same source and in the same data format (SEED) increasing the availability for processing and analysis. Moreover the data are distributed to the scientific community using the EIDA (European Integrated Data Archive The first application has been carried out for the Messina 1908-2008 experiment (WP2.2) where has been achieved the complete integration of permanent networks (National Seismic Network, MedNet and Peloritani Local Network), temporary deployments (INGV-CNT and INGVCT mobile networks) and OBS data. All the procedures were used and further improved during the L'Aquila sequence (Task 4) where data was available for processing together with permanent network data as soon as it was gathered from the field giving to the scientific community the opportunity to study the evolution of the seismic sequence with higher density of stations (WP4.2) ( h t t p : / / d p c - s 5 . r m . i n g v . i t / e n / D a t a b a s e - AquilaFaultSystem.html).UnpublishedSede Ispra | Via Curtatone 7, Roma1.1. TTC - Monitoraggio sismico del territorio nazionaleope

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