Twin digital short period seismic Array Experiment at Stromboli Volcano


Two small arrays composed by short period (1 Hz) digital seismic stations, with an aperture of approximately 400 meters, were set up at Stromboli volcano (one at semaforo Labronzo, the other at Ginostra- Timpone del Fuoco) with the purpose of the spatial location of the high frequency source of the explosion quakes. About 75 explosion-quakes were recorded at both arrays, and constitute the available data base. We have planned to apply the zero-lag cross-correlation technique to the whole data set in order to obtain back-azimuth and apparent slowness of the coherent seismic phases. A preliminary analysis for both arrays show that the predominant back-azimuth for the first phase is oriented in the direction of , but not strictly coincident to, the crater area. Moreover some back-scattered arrivals are quite evident in the seismogram.INGV - Osservatorio VesuvianoUnpublishedope

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