Nuove specie minerali al Somma-Vesuvio: wulfenite


To the 247 species, of which 20 are doubtful, occurring at the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex, after the recent updating of the fluoro-edenite (despite the collecting ban) it has to be added the identification of a new common species, never occurred before. A sample belonging to Luigi Chiappino, found in 1989 at San Vito quarry, Ercolano, Napoli, was analyzed through SEM-EDX and the analysis identified the wulfenite on massive galena, as millimetrical, bipyramidal crystals, resinous, of yellow-orange colour, associated with calcite, cerussite and sphalerite.Published175-1763.5. Geologia e storia dei vulcani ed evoluzione dei magmiN/A or not JCRope

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