Regular handicap tournaments of high degree


A handicap distance antimagic labeling of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with nn vertices is a bijection f:V{1,2,,n}{f}: V\to \{ 1,2,\ldots ,n\} with the property that f(xi)=i{f}(x_i)=i and the sequence of the weights w(x1),w(x2),,w(xn)w(x_1),w(x_2),\ldots,w(x_n) (where w(xi)=xjN(xi)f(xj)w(x_i)=\sum\limits_{x_j\in N(x_i)}f(x_j)) forms an increasing arithmetic progression with difference one. A graph GG is a {\em handicap distance antimagic graph} if it allows a handicap distance antimagic labeling. We construct (n7)(n-7)-regular handicap distance antimagic graphs for every order n2(mod4)n\equiv2\pmod4 with a few small exceptions. This result complements results by Kov\'a\v{r}, Kov\'a\v{r}ov\'a, and Krajc~[P. Kov\'a\v{r}, T. Kov\'a\v{r}ov\'a, B. Krajc, On handicap labeling of regular graphs, manuscript, personal communication, 2016] who found such graphs with regularities smaller than n7n-7

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