The Research of Chinese TV Documentary Films Creation——A Case Study of The Long March


文献纪录片,是国家和民族的影像日志,在传承历史文化和构建主流意识形态方面都发挥了重要的作用。至今,文献纪录片的数量在不断的增加,但真正叫好又叫收视率的文献纪录片精品还远远不够,且很难走出国门。在这样的环境下,创作者需要思考怎样打造具有核心竞争力的文献纪录片,让其在各种文化融合的冲击下脱颖而出。 《长征》是纪念长征题材最重要和最具水准的“现象级”的文献纪录片,作为本文研究的对象。本文采用电影分析方法论,通过运用影片分析的描述性、引述性和资料性三种工具来对其主题挖掘、叙事手法、镜头语言,以及所包含的思想内涵进行分析和解读,探究其成功之处,从而总结《长征》对文献纪录片创作的一些启示。 文...As an important type of documentary, documentary films play an important role in the inheritance of national culture and the construction of mainstream ideology. So far, a number of documentary films continue to increase, but the real documentary films boutique is far from enough, and it is difficult to go abroad. In such environment, the creator needs to think about how to build documentary films...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻学学号:1052014115308

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