Burma's Neutralist Foreign Policy Tradition:Origin and Continuity


范宏伟,厦门大学南洋研究院教授、博士生导师,历史学博士;邹ー峥,深圳大学中国海外利益研究院讲师。【中文摘要】中立主义是缅甸的传统外交政策,1948—1954年是缅甸该项政策的确立和形成期。这ー时期,随着中苏对中立民族主义国家的政策调整,英美对缅政策出现偏差,缅甸国内出现政治经济危机,缅甸与东西方之间的三角关系的发展动力与变量发生了新的变化,缅甸较快调适了它在二者之间的钟摆,开始实行更加平衡的中立外交,并长期坚持了这一政策。缅甸人在确立中立外交政策的过程中所体现出的不安全感、地缘心态、对大国的防范、对自身的定位与认识,是构成其中立外交传统的基本要素,已内化为缅甸的传统政治文化,也是外界观察其外交政策趋势的基 。 【Abstract】Burma's traditional neutralist foreign policy was formed between 1948 and 1954. The dynamics of Burma - East - West relations changed as a result of three developments during the same period:China and the USSR adjusted their policy toward neutralist states;Britain and the U.S. deviated from their usual policy towards Burma;and an economic crisis struck the country. These developments had a pendulum effect on Burmese foreign policy. Rangoon began to pursue a more balanced neutralist approach between the two blocs in 1953 and 1954,and stuck to it throughout the Cold War. The basic content and continuity of Burma's foreign policy had its roots firmly embedded in the early formation of neutralist diplomacy. The perception of insecurity,geopolitical mindset,precaution against great powers,and self - perceptions in international politics constituted the basic elements of Burmese neutralism orthodoxy,which have been interiorized in her traditional political culture.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“冷战时期中国与东南亚关系編年史”(18JJD770002);教育部人文社会科学研究项目“1949年以来英缅关系对中国在缅甸利益的影响和启示”(17YJCGJW013);广东省教育厅2016年重点平台及科研项目(2016WTSCX101

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