The Effect of Trade Facilitations on Trade Flows in "One Belt And One Road" Area


2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(以下简称“一带一路”)的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注。“一带一路”是一个庞大的系统工程,其建设需要大量的资金投入。为此,中国联合各主要发起国准备了两把金融“利剑”——丝路基金、亚洲基础设施投资银行。尽管有这两把金融利器为其保驾护航,资金仍是“一带一路”战略的一大掣肘。面对巨大的资金缺口,如何实现稀缺资源的优化配置成为各方关注的焦点。 本文从国际贸易流量角度,基于扩展的引力模型,通过研究贸易便利化体系中的各指标对贸易流量的影响来探讨如何实现稀缺资金在这些贸易便利...In September and October, 2013, during a visit to Central Asia and Southeast Asia countries, Chinese President Xi Jin Ping, successively put forward the major and eye-catching initiatives of jointly building "The Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st-Century Maritime Silk Road " (hereinafter referred as "One Belt And One Road"), which is a huge systematic engineering whose construction requires huge ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_国际贸易学学号:1572014115193

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