Research on the impact of skilled-biased technological change on wage gap:An empirical analysis based on Chinese industry


中国工资差距扩大已成为一个不争的事实,并引起学界的广泛关注。对于工资差距问题,学者提出了不同的理论予以解释。本文借鉴已有的文献资料,从技能偏向角度对中国工业行业层面的工资差距进行了实证分析,判断工业行业技术进步的偏向性及其对工资差距的影响。 本文先由CES生产函数推导得到工资差距,并在此基础上分析技术进步、工人的相对供给、不同工人的替代弹性等因素如何影响工资差距。根据技术进步偏向性的定义,分析不同因素如何影响技术进步偏向高技能/低技能劳动,并进一步分析技能偏向、技术进步、劳动供给变化和替代弹性如何影响工资差距。 在厘清工资差距的影响机制后,本文采用1998-2007年中国工业行业层面的平行...The widening of the wage gap in China has become an indisputable fact, and has aroused wide concern of scholars. For the wage gap, scholars put forward different theories to explain it. Based on the existing literature, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the wage gap in China's industrial sectors from the perspective of skilled biased technological change(SBTC), and to judge the bias of the...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_管理经济学学号:1532014115215

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