The Credit Risk Assessment of Issuers in City Construction Investment Bond—A Case Study of Fujian Province


近年来,在我国快速推进市政建设及城市化进程中,城投债随之快速扩张,城投债发行主体的债务风险日益凸显,逐渐受到了社会大众的重视。从2014年以来,我国债券市场信用事件频发,债市风险情绪不断蔓延,为大规模举债的地方融资平台敲响了警钟。实际上,我国仍有较多地方政府的债务偿还能力极弱,债务规模却不断扩大,存在非常大的风险隐患。一旦债务危机爆发,将对整个国家的经济运行造成非常大的冲击,故着力化解城投债发行主体信用风险已成为当下市场经济活动中重点关注的热门话题。科学评估城投债信用风险是防范债务危机的首要前提,因此,本文致力于研究当前城投债发行主体的信用风险现状如何,未来城投债发行主体所能承担的偿债规模有多...With the sharp expansion of city construction investment bonds in recent years, relevant credit risk of local financing platforms is also beginning to loom large. Since 2014, the credit events of domestic bond market happened frequently. And the spreading negative emotions of bond market sounds the alarm bell for large-scale debt of local financing platforms. In fact, a lot of local governments ha...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_应用统计硕士学号:1542014115198

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