The research for full-time faculty’s educational background structure in colleges and universities in China over Two decades


高校教师队伍建设一直是高等教育事业发展过程中备受关注的热点议题,其中教师队伍结构建设问题更是不容小觑。目前高校教师队伍结构的合理优化对于我国高等教育事业的进一步发展提升至关重要。特别是在我国从高等教育大众化向普及化阶段过渡的关键节点,必然需要相应的教师队伍结构调整以更加适应新阶段下我国高等教育事业发展的步伐。高校专任教师学历结构是构成整体教师队伍结构的重要部分,同时学历结构也是反映教师群体学习水平、知识储备及理论根基的重要标志。因此,高校专任教师学历结构的深入优化对于我国高校教师队伍整体水平的提高来说具有重要意义。 本文首先对1995年-2015年二十年间我国高校专任教师学历结构的变化发展情...The building of faculties’ team in colleges and universities has been a concerned issue in the process of the development of higher education, among which that of the team structure cannot be underestimated. At present, the optimization of faculties’ team structure in colleges and universities is vital for the further development and improvement of the higher education in China. The corresponding ...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_比较教育学学号:2572014115181

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