A Study on the Wisdom of the Baishi Hakka Villages in Response to the Mountainous Environment


白石村作为自然形成,发展至今保存尚好的闽西客家传统村落,在应对山地环境的发展中,不仅保存了闽西客家传统村落的特点,同时在聚落、建筑营造上体现了独具的山地营造智慧。现今在城市化快速进程和全国传统村落保护思潮的推进下,白石村作为第四批列入中国传统村落名录的传统村落,面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。亟待对白石村聚落形态和建筑特色进行系统化的研究,总结出其应对山地环境营造的一般规律,以指导白石村今后的保护与传承。 现今对客家的研究中,对客家村落与自然环境相融合的研究尚不完善。本课题的研究,有助于拓宽客家研究的视角,对其他散落在闽西纵横交错的山地环境中相似传统村落的发展有借鉴意义。 本文正是基于这样的研究背...Baishi Village is the traditional village of western Fujian Hakka and has been kept very well. In response to mountainous environment, not only save the characteristics of the traditional village of western Fujian Hakka, while in the settlement, building construction reflects the unique create wisdom. With the rapid progress of urbanization and the protection of the traditional villages in the cou...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑学硕士学号:2522014115176

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