The impact of Kuroshio intrusion on the distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the northwen South China Sea


海洋中溶解有机碳(DissolvedOrganicCarbon,DOC)的储量巨大,与大气中CO2的储量相当,因此,认识海洋中DOC的分布、迁移和转化对海洋碳循环具有重要意义。本论文以南海北部陆架、海盆以及吕宋海峡为研究区域,进行了春(2011年5月)、秋(2010年10月)、冬(2010年1月)三个季节的采样分析,旨在了解南海北部及吕宋海峡DOC的时空分布特征,探讨影响南海北部DOC分布的主要因素,以及通过吕宋海峡与西北太平洋海水DOC的交换。 南海北部陆架区(200m)表层DOC的浓度范围在64~75mol/L之间,春季平均浓度为69.52.5&#6154...Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) is the largest pool of organic carbon in the ocean, and is equivalent to the CO2 stock in the atmosphere. A better understanding of DOC distribution, transport and transformation is thus vitally important to studying global oceanic carbon cycle. In this study, we examined the seasonal distribution of DOC in the northern South China Sea (NSCS), and attempt to elucidate...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262009115122

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