A Research on the Causes and Preventive Measures of Non-performing Loans in Branch B of Commercial Bank A


商业银行在经济发展中承担着重要的作用,商业银行能否稳定、健康、可持续发展影响着国家金融体系的稳定。其中,银行不良贷款是显示银行经营质量和一国金融体系稳定的一个重要标志。随着我国宏观经济增速下滑,实体经济进入转型调整期,商业银行不良贷款与不良贷款率呈现“双升”趋势,持续上升的不良贷款很可能会影响到我国商业银行的经营与金融业的可持续发展。因此,深入研究商业银行不良贷款的成因,能够为商业银行发展提供新的思路和建议。 2012年以前,A商业银行B分行对不良贷款控制较为有效,但是在2012年以后,A商业银行B分行不良贷款和不良贷款率急剧上升,因此,本文选定A商业银行B分行作为研究对象,期望通过对A商业...Commercial banks play an essential role in economic development, and they are closely related to the stability of national financial industry whether they are healthy, stable and sustainable or not. The Non-performing loan, as one of the most important indicator, has significant effects on the quality of banking operation and the stability of a country’s financial system. Since our country macroec...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792014115069

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