Optimization Based on Competency Model CF R & D Personnel Training System


随着经济、技术的发展,企业间的同质化竞争越来越严重,尤其是期货、证券等金融行业,竞争将更加残酷。对于管理者而言,如何高效的配置企业资源,构建企业的核心竞争力,成为了企业可持续发展的关键。 本文以CF期货有限公司为研究对象,引入胜任力模型,在进行胜任力建模和检验的基础上,对该公司现有的培训体系进行优化升级。 在胜任力的建模过程中,笔者先在公司内部组建专家小组,通过对企业文化和岗位职能说明书进行解读,初步构建基于CF期货公司研发人员的胜任力模型初稿,然后通过行为事件访谈法收集公司研发人员胜任力要素,运用统计分析法,对收集到的胜任力要素进行编码,通过编码结果对胜任力模型初稿进行修正完善。最后通过...The competition among enterprises is upgrading with the development of economic and technology. The competition is even more brutal in high risk industry such as futures and securities. How to build core competitiveness and utilize human resources efficiently is very important for managers to the operative their enterprises sustainably. This paper take CF Futures Co., Ltd as the research object, ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201215625

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