A Study on Copyright Protection for Fictional Characters


一直以来,虚拟角色的保护问题都困扰着国内外知识产权学术界和实务界。至今,我国仍未在司法实践和学术争论中形成统一的观点。随着近年来文化经济的飞速发展,针对虚拟角色的侵权活动日趋频繁,相关权利人的利益难以得到完善的保护。如何通过法律制止这些侵权行为,保护相关权利人的利益,是一个亟需解决的问题。本文从著作权法的角度出发,通过对国内外学界观点和司法判决的梳理,从虚拟角色的概念、分类、构成要素、相关主体、著作权保护的正当性和可行性、著作权对角色的保护和限制等方面对虚拟角色的著作权保护进行深入探讨。 除却导论和结语部分,本文分为四章。 第一章为基础理论探析,主要对虚拟角色的概念、分类和构成要素进行界定...For a long time, the protection of the fictional characters problems plagued by intellectual property rights in academic and practice at home and abroad. So far, our country has not been formed in the judicial practice and academy unified point of view. With the rapid development of cultural economy in recent years, the fictional character infringement activities become increasingly frequent, and ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362015115094

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