The variety of legal form Kaiyuan heyday of TangDynasty to Yuanfeng period of the Northern Song dynasty


经过两汉实践的积累和律学理论化的过程,通过魏、晋两次大规模的立法活动,建立以律、令为主体的法律编纂体例,再历经南北朝的精耕细作,到隋及唐王朝前期形成律令格式的体系。然而,唐中叶以后到宋代,传统中国社会发生了一系列重要变化,此时段,律、令、格、式的编纂自李唐王朝安史之乱以后就基本停止了,代之而起的是格后敕和刑统的编纂,到了宋代编敕成为国家正常立法活动,古代中国法律体系从“律令格式”过渡到“敕令格式”。 本文欲从整体角度对唐五代北宋前期期间的一些法律形式变化进行研究,弥补相关研究不足,以期更清楚地认识此时期法律形式的变化。唐宋时期,律令体系开始向律例体系转变,因此本文选取刑统、令、例三个维度进行...Through accumulation of Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties legal practice and the process of theorization of the law,through two times the mass of legislative activities of the Wei and Jin Dynasties,traditional Chinese legal system had established a legal compilation system mainly including laws and decrees. the narration “Lv Ling Ge Shi"(律令格式)developed the mature course the statute book system...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律史学号:1362014115016

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