An Empirical Analysis on the Reform Pilot Practice of People's Assessor System ——Taking Five Courts of F Province as the Research Sample


2004年以降,人民陪审员制度呈现出在改革中走向复苏与繁荣的镜像:顶层设计方面,全国人大常委会于2004年8月通过了《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》,最高人民法院在“二五”及“三五”改革纲要中明确提出要继续完善人民陪审员制度。底层探索方面,各地法院的创新之举不计其数,陪审率不断攀升。但是,较为遗憾的是,由于制度设计与实践不具契合性、陪审文化土壤贫瘠、司法实践功利色彩浓厚等原因,人民陪审员制度功用出现了严重异化的现象。为探索人民陪审员制度改革的合理路径,2015年4月,全国人大常委会授权北京、河北等地的50家法院开展人民陪审员制度改革试点工作。显然,本轮改革试点有助于改革者重新审视人民陪审员制度...Since 2004, People's Assessor System presents the scene of recovery and prosperity during the reform: about the top design, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted the Decision on the Perfection of People's Assessor System. The Supreme People's Court clearly proposed to continue improving the People's Assessor System in the second and the third Five-Year Development Outlin...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_诉讼法学学号:1362015115096

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