The Embedded Protagonist: the Kuomintang County Party Newspaper in the Process of Grassroots


本文以对县级报刊在1928、1936、1941三个不同年份的分布和归属类型为线索,试图复原在此期间中国报刊基层化的走势与动因。从统计的结果来看,国民党党报在县报的空间扩展中扮演了主角。由于资源获取方式上的差异,党报与民营报刊本不存在彼此消长。但就当时中国普通县份的普遍状况而言,却更有利于被作为组织构成部分,而被自上而下嵌入的党报迅速生长。在全面抗战爆发后,由于富庶县份大多沦陷,大报发行网络的弱化,国民党党报在战区各省不仅进一步加强了在县级的空间分布优势,也在客观上充当了基层新闻流动的主脉。Following the distribution and attribution of county newspapers in 1928,1936 and 1941, this paper tries to restore the trend and motivation of Chinese newspaper at the grass-roots level. From the perspective of the results of statistics, the KMT party newspaper played a leading role in the space expansion of the county newspaper. Due to differences of resource access, party newspapers and private newspapers did not affect each other. In terms of the general situation of Chinese general county, it was more conducive to the organization as a component embedded in a top-down party newspaper to get a rapid growth.Alter the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang party newspaper not only strengthened the spatial distribution advantage further at the county level in the theater provinces, but also objectively was acted as the main vein of grass- roots news flow.本文系厦门大学2017年度校长基金项目:从嵌入到遍在:对报刊在近代中国的空间扩散的动力学探究(编号20720171044)项目成果

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