Research on the Expansion of Standing of Consumer Public Interest Litigation in China


公益诉讼使与案件无直接利害关系的主体得以维护社会公益的名义提起诉讼,其制度的设置有利于社会公益的保护,实现受害者权利的救济。我国消费领域设立了公益诉讼制度,然而由于立法的模糊和缺漏,消费公益诉讼的适格原告仍十分有限,相关程序设置不尽完善,导致我国消费公益诉讼社会实效的不佳。文章从分析消费公益诉讼相关概念入手,首先对消费领域的“公共利益”作出界定;在此基础上,结合原告适格扩张的理论和对我国公益诉讼现状的分析,论证我国公益诉讼原告主体资格扩张的必要性;最后,通过对域外两大法系的代表性国家的相关制度的借鉴,寻求构建我国消费公益诉讼原告主体资格扩张的具体路径。除引言和结语外,全文共分为四章。 第一章...Public Interest Litigation allows the subject who has no direct interest relationship with the case to initiate the lawsuit in the name of protecting the social public welfare,which is conducive to the protection of social welfare and the realization of relief of the rights of victims in the consumption field. China has established the Public Interest Litigation System in the consumption field, ho...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302015115099

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