A Survey of Linguistic Studies in Five Major Science Funds in China(2005-2014)


对中国五大科研基金2005—2014年十年间语言学课题立项情况进行的调查分析发现,国家自然科学基金重视计算机的语言文字处理能力,全国教育科学规划课题重视语言学习问题,而国家哲学社会科学基金、教育部哲学社会科学规划课题、国家语委科研规划课题更多侧重语言本体等相关问题。所有立项课题体现了国家需要和国家需求。文章提出了一些有关语言研究和语言管理的思考。This article conducts a content analysis of the fi ve major science funds in China in an attempt to examine the guidelines and topics of linguistic studies funded by the fi ve major funds between 2005 and 2014. The study describes the general situation of the fi ve major funds, traces the directions of the funded research projects, and focuses on the hot topics in the "applied social sciences" domains. The result shows that National Natural Science Fund favors computational linguistics and language processing abilities, National Educational Science Fund focuses on language studies, and National Social Science Fund, Humanities & Social Science Fund of MOE and Fund of National Language Committee prioritize corpus studies. The authors conclude that the funded projects of linguistic studies refl ect the research demand at a national level. Based on these fi ndings, the article provides thoughts and implications for language research and language policy making processes

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