Breedine and Utilization of New Hybrid Rice Combination Tongyou 039


桐优039是泉州市农业科学研究所与福建神农大丰种业科技有限公司合作用自育的桐A与泉恢039配组而成的三系杂交水稻新品种,于2014年通过福建省品种审定。表现高产稳产、壮秆大穗、熟期转色好等优点。介绍了桐A、泉恢039、桐优039的选育过程,以及桐优039的性状表现、栽培技术和制种技术等。A new three-line hybrid rice combination Tongyou 039 was derived from the CMS line TongA and a restorer line Quanhui 039, developed by Quanzhou institute of agricultural Sciences and Fujian Province Prodigy farm and great harvest seeds Inc., and registered by the Crop Cultivar Registration Committee of Fujian province in 2014. It was characterized by high-yieldin ability, stocky stem and big panicle and good performance in ripe time d so on. This paper introduced breeding procedure of Tong A, Quanhui 039 and Tongyou 039, and main characteristics, cultivation and seed production techniques of Tongyou 039.福建省星火项目(2016S0015);泉州市科技计划重点项目(2015N27

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